How to Organize a Cross-Country Move – Tips and Money-Saving Strategies

Aug 26, 2024

How to Organize a Cross-Country Move

Moving. Every time someone hears that word, they picture the long hassle: finding movers, packing up loads of stuff, coordinating with everyone, and then, after all that stress, unloading and rearranging everything again.

And it gets even worse if it’s a cross-country move. So, what exactly is a cross-country move? For those who don’t know, it’s when you’re relocating to a different part of the country, way beyond where you currently live. Any move over 500 miles falls into this category.

And if you’re reading this, it probably means you’re about to take on a cross-country move and are looking for answers to the big question: “How to organize a cross-country move?” Let’s limit your search and explain everything there is on how you can perform a stress-free cross-country move.

Did You Know?
Did You Know?

According to recent statistics, nearly 7 million Americans move across state lines yearly, and many perform cross-country moves.

Best Ways to Plan and Organize a Cross-Country Move

Moving across the country isn’t just about packing up and hitting the road. It’s about turning a huge, potentially overwhelming task into a series of manageable steps.

Let’s break it down into practical, easy-to-follow stages to make your move as smooth as possible.

Step 1: Start Early

First things first, give yourself plenty of time. Ideally, you want to start planning at least 8-12 weeks before your move. According to the American Moving & Storage Association, moving within this timeframe helps reduce stress. Begin by setting a moving date and creating a checklist.

Step 2: Budget and Plan Financially

Moving costs can add up quickly. On average, a cross-country move can cost anywhere from $2,250 to $5,220, depending on the size of your home and how much stuff you have. To manage this, create a detailed budget.

Factor in costs for movers, packing supplies, potential temporary housing, and any unexpected expenses. Use a moving calculator to estimate costs more accurately. This way, you won’t be caught off guard when the bills start piling up.

Click here to learn How To Calculate Your Moving Expenses.

Step 3: Research Moving Companies

This is where things can get a bit tricky. You want to find a reputable moving company that won't leave you high and dry. Research companies thoroughly—check reviews, ask for recommendations, and ensure they're licensed and insured. Click here to do all these steps.

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, a legitimate moving company should provide you with a written estimate and a copy of their rights and responsibilities booklet. 

Step 4: Declutter and Organize

Before you start packing, take some time to declutter. Studies show that the average American household has over 300,000 items. Now, imagine packing all that!

Go through your belongings and decide what to keep, donate, or sell. This step reduces the amount of stuff you need to move and saves you money. 

Step 5: Pack Strategically

When it comes to packing, strategy is key. Start packing non-essential items first—things you won't need immediately, like seasonal clothes and decorative items. Use sturdy boxes and packing materials to protect your stuff.

According to the National Association of Professional Organizers, labeling boxes with their contents and the room they belong in can save you hours.

If you find yourself stuck at any of the packing steps, check our packing guide.

Step 6: Notify Important Parties

Don’t forget to update your address with essential services and institutions. This includes your bank, credit card companies, insurance providers, and the USPS. 

Did You Know?
Did You Know?

Nearly 35% of people forget to update their address with at least one important party, leading to missed bills and other issues.

 Make a list of all the places that need your new address, and check them off as you go.

Step 7: Prepare for Moving Day

As moving day approaches, create a moving day kit with essentials—toiletries, a change of clothes, snacks, and important documents.

According to the American Moving & Storage Association, having a well-prepared moving day kit helps ensure everything goes smoothly and reduces the likelihood of last-minute stress.

 Step 8: Unpack and Settle In

Finally, once you have arrived at your new home, start unpacking strategically. Begin with essential items and rooms like the kitchen and bedrooms. Getting these areas set up first will help you feel more at home faster. According to recent data, it takes an average of 6 to 8 weeks to fully unpack and settle into a new home, so be patient with yourself during this transition period.

Tips to Save Money During Cross-Country Move

We all know that moving can be expensive, but there are plenty of ways to keep costs down without sacrificing your sanity. 

Get Multiple Quotes

Get quotes from at least three different companies. A survey by the American Moving & Storage Association found that people who compare multiple quotes can save an average of 20% on their moving costs.

 Move During Off-Peak Times

Timing your move can make a big difference in cost. Moving during peak seasons, like summer, can be significantly more expensive. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the highest volume of moves happens between May and September.

If you can, schedule your move for the off-peak times, like late fall or winter, to potentially save up to 30% on moving costs.

Pack Your Own Boxes

Packing yourself can save you a ton of money. Professional packing services can cost anywhere from $289 to $999, depending on the size of your home and the amount of stuff you have.

According to research, packing your own boxes can cut costs by about 25%. Just make sure you use sturdy boxes and proper packing materials to avoid damaging your belongings.

Use Free or Cheap Packing Materials

You don’t need to spend a fortune on packing materials. Check out local grocery stores or liquor stores for free boxes. Many of these places are happy to give away boxes they would otherwise throw out.

 Additionally, consider using items you already have around the house—like towels, blankets, or even clothes—to cushion fragile items.

According to the National Association of Professional Organizers, using free packing materials can save you about $50 to $100.

 Take Advantage of Tax Deductions

In some cases, you might be able to deduct moving expenses from your taxes. If you're moving for a job and meet certain criteria, you could potentially save some money at tax time. The IRS allows deductions for moving expenses under specific conditions, though this benefit has been limited in recent years. 

Consider a DIY Move

If you're up for it, a DIY move can be a major money-saver. Renting a truck and doing the move yourself can reduce the cost of hiring professional movers.

Did you know

Renting a moving truck can cost between $20 and $100 per day, plus mileage, compared to an average cost of $2,000 to $5,000 for full-service moving companies.

Learn more about DIY Move - Essential Tips Cost-Saving Strategies.

Plan Your Route Efficiently

If you’re driving a moving truck yourself, planning the most efficient route can save on fuel costs. According to the Department of Energy, fuel costs can be one of the biggest expenses of a DIY move, with trucks averaging 10 miles per gallon. Use apps or GPS tools to find the shortest and most fuel-efficient route to avoid extra miles and costs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If your moving truck is delayed, contact the moving company to get an updated ETA and find out the cause of the delay. If the delay is significant, ask the company if they will compensate you for any inconvenience or additional costs, like hotel stays or meals.

For valuable or fragile items, purchase extra padding or specialty packing materials. You may also want to pack these items carefully to ensure they are handled. Label boxes containing fragile items clearly.

Moving with pets can be stressful for both you and your furry friends. Make sure to plan for regular breaks, keep them in a comfortable carrier, and bring plenty of food, water, and their favorite toys. Some airlines and moving companies have specific policies regarding pets, so check in advance.

Start by creating a moving binder or digital folder where you can keep all your documents, receipts, and checklists in one place. Use color-coded labels or a numbering system for your boxes to easily track what's inside.