SCAMMERS!! They quote you a low price to get your business but once they have all of your stuff loaded onto their truck, they hold it hostage and demand you pay triple in
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SCAMMERS!! They quote you a low price to get your business but once they have all of your stuff loaded onto their truck, they hold it hostage and demand you pay triple in cash/Zella only or they will keep YOUR belongings in their “storage” facility and continue to charge you daily. I sent these crooks my money and then tried to refused to complete the job and then they left everything in the garage! I wish I had seen these reviews before hiring them. So don’t walk, RUN away from this shady business. The “manager" 'is a joke too, he’s rude and claims he sent you an email with the real amount. All lies.
Move Date:
May 23,2023
South San Francisco,
Cost: $7000